Rayhanah Plaza , Zahraa Al Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

Work Hours
From Sunday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm

Egyptian products

Egypt is considered one of the countries renowned for exporting a variety of products to different markets around the world. Among these famous products that represent a significant part of the Egyptian economy and enjoy great popularity in global markets:

Cotton: Cotton is one of the foremost products exported by Egypt. Egyptian cotton is known for its high quality and softness, making it highly sought after in the global textile industry.

Agriculture and agricultural crops: Egypt is a major producer of various agricultural crops such as wheat, rice, fava beans, potatoes, and fruits like strawberries, grapes, and oranges. These products constitute a significant portion of global agricultural trade

spices: Egypt has a long history of cultivating and trading spices, thanks to its favorable climate and fertile land.

Furniture and textiles: Egypt is renowned for its exquisite handmade craftsmanship in fields such as furniture, carpets, and textiles, reflecting the country’s rich cultural heritage.


Pharmaceuticals and medical products: The pharmaceutical and medical products sector is considered one of the emerging and advanced sectors in Egypt, as the country possesses high-quality manufacturing capabilities in this field.