Rayhanah Plaza , Zahraa Al Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

Work Hours
From Sunday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm



Fintech Financial Technology

Fintech, or Financial Technology has significantly transformed the business landscape over the past decade. Here are some key impacts: Increased Efficiency: Fintech solutions streamline financial processes, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional banking and financial services. This includes…

Credit losses

Credit losses Expected Credit Losses (ECL) under IFRS 9 represent management’s anticipation of potential shortfalls in collecting contractual cash flows. Let’s delve into the details: Definition: ECLs are the expected impairments of loans, leases, or other financial assets.These losses are…

Improving Profitability

Improving Profitability Improving profitability is crucial for any business. Remember, profitability isn’t just about revenue, it’s about managing costs effectively and making strategic decisions to ensure sustainable growth. Regularly review your cash flow to understand how your business generates money…

Climate Risk

Climate Risk Climate risk can significantly impact a company’s financial statements. climate risk is increasingly relevant in financial reporting, and companies should carefully consider its impact on their statements and provide transparent disclosures. While IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) does…

E-invoicing in Saudi Arabia (KSA).

E-invoicing in Saudi Arabia (KSA)  What is E-Invoicing in KSA? Electronic invoicing, popularly referred to as Fatoorah (the Arabic word for invoice), is the process of creating, sending, receiving, and processing invoices, credit notes, and debit notes electronically between buyers…